Repeated evolution: Venom delivery systems evolved multiple times independently, at about the same time, and in the same regions
Look at Darwinian world of miracles: Venom delivery systems evolved independently in the same periods of Earth’s History and in the same regions … https://www.jstor.org/stable/40864404
Repeated evolution of complex brains: The same retroviral insertion event happened independently in mammals, fishes and amphibians
And here we go again … (there is definitely something very wrong with the theory of evolution) From a mainstream journal (ScienceDaily.com): Researchers report February 15 in the journal Cell that ancient viruses may be to thank for myelin — and, by extension, our large, complex brains. The team found that a retrovirus-derived genetic element or “retrotransposon” […]
Repeated evolution: Retroviral gene co-opted 177 times independently in vertebrates
It is not easy to believe, that a virus inserts its DNA into a vertebrate species genome, and later on, this DNA chunk will aid species reproduction. And this should have happened many times independently in various species … It would be a miracle if this would work once, let alone many times … This […]
Not only peppered moth — dark forms increased in over 100 other species of moths during the period of industrial pollution.
Although many people have heard about industrial melanism in the British peppered moth, it is not widely appreciated that dark forms increased in over 100 other species of moths during the period of industrial pollution. This raises the question of whether they relied on the same or similar genetic mechanism to achieve this colour change. […]