Although many people have heard about industrial melanism in the British peppered moth, it is not widely appreciated that dark forms increased in over 100 other species of moths during the period of industrial pollution. This raises the question of whether they relied on the same or similar genetic mechanism to achieve this colour change. This was not a foregone conclusion because melanism in insects may be influenced by many different genes.
So … it was not only the famous peppered moth … It is undeniable, that peppered moth and other moth species’ color change is an engineered (designed) feature. Obviously, moth species can adjust wings color to match the surface they sit on. Or you can believe in miracles (as Darwinists do), that at the same moment, one hundred moth species got the right random mutations independently … Peppered moth color change has nothing to do with natural selection, random mutations, or whatever the Darwinian theory of evolution is about.
And there is more, get this:
The ability of larvae of the peppered moth has surprised scientists.
A new study has shown that the caterpillars of the peppered moth are able to slowly change color to match the twig they sit on, a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity.Previous work showed that the larvae could change color to match two colored backgrounds, but the recently published study from the University of Liverpool has shown that they can actually select colors from a continuous scale of shades and brightness.
“Originally it was thought that they could only switch between brown and green,” says Amy Eacock, a PhD student at the University of Liverpool, and lead author of the paper.“After presenting the larvae with a range of artificial twigs of different colors also varying in brightness, we found that they can match colors in between green and brown, as well as black and white”.
or a paper published in Nature:
Scientists surprised? I can see why …
Darwinists have been misrepresenting the reality for 150 years. Among other things, also by inventing fancy terms like “Phenotypic plasticity”. Moth’s wings color change is an engineered feature and it does not matter how Darwinists call it. It still remains a misrepresentation of reality. I bet, if researchers would run similar experiment with an adult peppered moth, they will get the same results as with the larvae. The adult peppered moth would change its color to match the surface it sits on — every time — because it was engineered that way.