Researchers: Crabs evolved repeatedly at least five times. What ? Is it some kind of joke ?
Obviously, in a Darwinian fantasy world of random mutation everything is possible. at Popular Mechanics: Animals Keep Evolving Into Crabs, Which Is Somewhat Disturbing It’s not just superficial shape that unifies the five evolved crab forms. The paper details neurological commonalities, shared circulatory systems, and more, while also detailing the organ and systems that differ […]
Repeated evolution of multilayered reflective metallic surface in unrelated insects
as you will see, a series of miraculous events happened a long time ago, when at the same moment, several unrelated lineages of insects ‘invented’ multilayered reflective metallic surface. Let me repeat – this miracle should have happened at the same evolutionary moment, INDEPENDENTLY, in various unrelated species, 99 millions years ago. By random mutations. […]
Blood clotting – Surprising degree of repeated evolution in vertebrates and invertebrates
Hello? Darwinians ? Why is everything so surprising? from a mainstream paper: Recent delineation of the serine protease cascade controlling dorsal–ventral patterning during Drosophila embryogenesis allows this cascade to be compared with those controlling clotting and complement in vertebrates and invertebrates. Extensive similarities suggest that these cascades were built by adding enzymes from the bottom […]
Repeated evolution of Myelin – a sheath of multilayered membranes around nerves nodes.
Current concepts of invertebrate phylogeny are reviewed. Annelida and Arthropoda, previously regarded as closely related, are now placed in separate clades. Myelin, a sheath of multiple layers of membranes around nerve axons, is found in members of the Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata. The structure, composition and function of the sheaths in Annelida and Arthropoda are […]
Repeated Evolution Versus Common Ancestry
from a mainstream paper: Why sex chromosomes turn over and remain undifferentiated in some taxa, whereas they degenerate in others, is still an area of ongoing research. The recurrent occurrence of homologous and homomorphic sex chromosomes in distantly related taxa suggests their independent evolution or continued recombination since their first emergence. Here, we focus on […]
Repeated evolution of super-vision shakes up the dogma of deep-sea vision
I will repeat myself again, but i have to say it one more time – it is not easy to understand how natural selection works. Deep-sea species. One would expect, that so deep, where is no light, no eyes are needed at all. But not this time … Here, random mutations AKA unguided natural process […]
Repeated evolution: same pseudogenes evolved independently in human and non-human primate lineages
What is left of common ancestry and shared DNA errors ? A pseudogene is defined to be a gene that has lost its function, especially it has lost the ability of coding protein. In general, a pseudogene is generated by gain of premature stop codons due to point mutations or flame-shift mutations. The acceptance of […]
Repeated evolution: 11 Mitochondrial Genes in Deep-Sea Fishes changed the same way independently
The adaptive evolution of the mtDNA may reflect that aerobic metabolism plays a more important role than anaerobic metabolism in deep-sea fishes, whose energy sources (food) are extremely limited. This strategy maximizes the usage of energy sources. Eleven mitochondrial genes have convergent/parallel amino acid changes between branches of deep-sea fishes. Thus, these amino acid sites […]
Repeated evolution: The same mutation occurred 20 times independently in fishes’ light-sensitive eye-protein.
Here we show that a missense mutation in rhodopsin (Phe261Tyr) is an adaptation to the red-shifted Baltic Sea light environment. The transition from phenylalanine to tyrosine differs only by the presence of a hydroxyl moiety in the latter, but this results in an up to 10-nm red-shifted light absorbance of the receptor. Remarkably, an examination […]
Repeated evolution of placental structures: Evolved, devolved, and re-evolved many times
Obviously, evolutionary biologists believe in some kind of magic – it would be a miracle if such a placental structure would evolve once, by random unguided process without foresight, because placental structures require an interaction / cooperation of both, the mother and fetus. However, here we read, that the miracle happened many times. First, these […]