Repeated evolution: Despite biochemically complex, C4 photosynthesis evolved repeatedly more than 60 times
Another miraculous stuff happened here, let me quote from a mainstream paper. Even the author finds the evolution of C4 photosynthesis ‘somewhat puzzling’ because it requires ‘dozen of genes’ to be changed simultaneously – the right way – in at least 60 evolutionary unrelated cases: Both C4 photosynthesis and CAM have evolved independently multiple times […]
Repeated evolution: Gastropod’s coiled shell
from a mainstream paper: The re-evolution of a coiled shell, or any complex character, is considered unlikely or impossible (Dollo’s law) because the loss of the character is followed by the loss of the genetic architecture and developmental mechanisms that underlie that character. Here, we quantify the level of coiling in calyptraeids, a family of […]
Surprising repeated devolution: Various species lineages lost teeth independently, despite crucial role of teeth in species survival
i will repeat myself yet again: it is not easy to understand how natural selection works … even the researcher below is quite surprised (these guys are always surprised): Since their recruitment in the oral cavity, approximately 450 million years ago, teeth have been subjected to strong selective constraints due to the crucial role that […]
Repeated evolution: Webbed foot evolved many times independently
The webbed foot is a specialized limb present in a variety of vertebrates that aids in locomotion. This adaptation is primarily found in semi-aquatic species, and has convergently (repeatedly) evolved many times across vertebrate taxa. It likely arose from mutations in developmental genes that normally cause tissue between the digits to apoptose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webbed_foot one would think, that there was some […]
Repeated evolution: Viral envelope has evolved several times independently
In sum, our extensive review has revealed a close association between cell walls and nonenveloped viruses that was not bound to particular types of host organism. The cell wall provides a physical barrier that hinders the interaction of receptors on the viral envelope with receptors in the cell membrane, an interaction that is central to […]
Repeated evolution: Warm blood evolved multiple times independently
Endothermy, i.e. the endogenous production of metabolic heat, has evolved multiple times among vertebrates, and several strategies of heat production have been studied extensively by physiologists over the course of the twentieth century. The independent acquisition of endothermy by mammals and birds has been the subject of many hypotheses regarding their origin and associated evolutionary […]
Repeated evolution of compound eyes: one of two seemingly very unlikely evolutionary histories must be true
From PNAS.ORG: These results illustrate exactly why arthropod compound eye evolution has remained controversial, because one of two seemingly very unlikely evolutionary histories must be true. Either compound eyes with detailed similarities evolved multiple times in different arthropod groups or compound eyes have been lost in a seemingly inordinate number of arthropod lineages http://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/99/3/1426.full.pdf These […]
Repeated evolution: The same retroviral gene coopted independently by unrelated species to aid reproduction
… in other words: a species gets infected by a virus, the virus inserts a part of its own viral-DNA into the species genome. Later on, a very complex placental structure starts emerging in the infected species – and everything is ready for modified reproduction … and, of course, the modified reproduction works flawlessly from […]
Repeated evolution: Complex brains and high intelligence evolved many times independently
… yes, that miracle happened not once, but many times…independently … it seems that most miracles happen in biology … over and over again … Within the animal kingdom, complex brains and high intelligence have evolved several to many times independently, e.g. among ecdysozoans in some groups of insects (e.g. blattoid, dipteran, hymenopteran taxa), among […]
Repeated evolution: A fish living on land is NOT an extraordinary thing but a common phenomenon
Get this: Fish have evolved the ability to live on land many times, challenging the perception that this extreme lifestyle shift was likely to have been a rare occurrence in ancient times. New research shows 33 different families of fish have at least one species that demonstrates some terrestrial activity and, in many cases, these […]